Saturday, September 11, 2010

Alpha and Omega Trailer

Alpha and Omega Trailer

Date September 17, 2010
Genre Animation
Director Anthony Bell
Ben Gluck
Writer Chris Denk
Steve Moore
Studio Lions Gate Films
Bitsie Tulloch
Hayden Panettiere
Justin Long
Christina Ricci
Dennis Hopper
Christine Lakin
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Kate and Humphrey are two wolves who are nothing alike. Kate's an alpha wolf - to her, discipline, duty and responsibility are everything. On the other hand, Humphrey is an omega wolf -- fun, friends and frivolity are what are important to him. In the world of wolves, alphas and omegas don't mix, mingle or mate - such is pack law.

As the alpha wolf daughter of the western pack leader, Kate is arranged to marry Garth, the alpha wolf son of the eastern pack leader, not for love but to prevent a deadly war between the two packs. But the marriage is put on hold when, unbeknownst to anyone, Kate and Humphrey are taken by park rangers from their home in Jasper Park, Canada and relocated to Sawtooth Park, Idaho.

Desperate to get back in time to marry Garth and prevent war, and battling each other's different points of view, the long distance and a few bears and porcupines along the way, Kate and Humphrey must work together to make the long journey home to their beloved Jasper Park. But Kate and Humphrey soon discover a new obstacle: somewhere along the way, Kate and Humphrey have fallen in love.

Film & Animation

* Alpha
* and
* Omega
* Trailer
* Broadbandtv
* viso
* film
* movie
* clips
* story
* video
* media
* show
* cinema
* theatre
* studio
* box
* office
* review
* preview
* listings
* Hollywood
* trailer
* teaser
* coming
* soon
* opening
* release
* date
* dvd
* tv
* directed
* produced
* soundtrack
* extras
* cast
* entertainment
* amazing
* gossip
* rumor
* interview
* action
* adventure
* speed
* yt:crop=16:9
* yt:quality=high

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